Google Street View for Edeka supermarkets

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Google Street View for Edeka stores – win new customers with 360° tours!

A 360° virtual panoramic tour is an innovative way to reach new customers and convince them to visit your Edeka store. Allow potential customers to have an interactive, virtual look at your equipment, ambiance and offerings. Prospective customers can explore your market from their desktop PC, tablet or smartphone using the familiar Street View navigation.

Due to Google Street View technology, we can update virtual 360° panoramic tours at any time. What does that mean? You have already had us create a 360° panoramic tour that is published on the web. At some point, renovation work will become due in your store, you will redesign individual areas or add further shopping zones to your assortment. To bring your existing 360° panoramic tour back up to date, we can photograph the new areas again and integrate them into the tour.

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The advantages of a 360° tour for a supermarket at a glance

1. improvement of Google listing
2. more visibility on Google Maps
3. interactive 360° tour
4. You will stand out from competitors.
5. optimal presentation on Google
6. highest quality photos
7. one time investment


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